透過Copilot 產生 FFMPEG影片分段的BAT[Generate BAT of FFMPEG video segments through Copilot]

透過Copilot 產生 FFMPEG影片分段的BAT[Generate BAT of FFMPEG video segments through Copilot]

透過Copilot 產生 FFMPEG影片分段的BAT[Generate BAT of FFMPEG video segments through Copilot]


假設有一影片檔案名稱為 videoplayback.mp4 該影片長度預設為60分鐘
我想要透過FFMPEG 將當以每2分鐘 且檔案主檔名長度為4

影片來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCUjHOw1-KA [印度偷電有多瘋狂,連警察都攔不住,電力公司虧的底朝天|免費紀錄片|短紀錄片]

影片下載: https://www.ssyoutube.com/watch?v=gCUjHOw1-KA


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM 設定輸出檔案名稱的格式
set "filename=0001"
set "extension=mp4"

REM 設定每個分割檔案的長度(以秒為單位)
set /a "segment_length=2*60"

REM 設定起始時間為0
set /a "start_time=0"

REM 設定總影片長度(以秒為單位)
set /a "total_length=8*60+8"

REM 使用迴圈來分割影片
if !start_time! geq !total_length! (
    echo 完成影片分割。
    goto :eof

REM 計算下一個檔案的起始時間
set /a "next_start_time=!start_time!+!segment_length!"

REM 執行FFMPEG命令來分割影片
ffmpeg -i videoplayback.mp4 -ss !start_time! -t !segment_length! -c copy !filename!.!extension!

REM 更新檔案名稱為下一個序號
set /a "filename_num=1%filename% + 1"
set "filename=!filename_num:~1!"

REM 更新起始時間為下一個分段的起始時間
set /a "start_time=!next_start_time!"

goto loop


			<video id="player" width="400" height="300" controls="" style="background:black;" src="https://github.com/jash-git/Generate-BAT-of-FFMPEG-video-segments-through-Copilot/raw/main/0001.mp4?raw=true">
					var player = document.getElementById('player')
					var string1="https://github.com/jash-git/Generate-BAT-of-FFMPEG-video-segments-through-Copilot/raw/main/"
					var string2="?raw=true"
					var playlist = [
					var activeVideo = 0
					var fileurl = string1 + playlist[activeVideo]+ string2
					player.src = fileurl
					player.addEventListener('ended', function(e) {
					  // update the new active video index
					  activeVideo = (++activeVideo) % playlist.length
					  var string1="https://github.com/jash-git/Generate-BAT-of-FFMPEG-video-segments-through-Copilot/raw/main/"
					  var string2="?raw=true"
					  var fileurl = string1 + playlist[activeVideo]+ string2
					  player.src = fileurl

    印度偷電駭客(黑客) 證明古人說的家財萬貫不如一技在身

6 thoughts on “透過Copilot 產生 FFMPEG影片分段的BAT[Generate BAT of FFMPEG video segments through Copilot]

    1. 假設有一影片檔案名稱為 videoplayback.mp4 該影片長度預設為60分鐘
      我想要透過FFMPEG 將當以每2分鐘 且檔案主檔名長度為4
      請產生對應的LINUX SHELL命令檔案給我


      # Set input video file name

      # Set segment duration in seconds

      # Set output file name pattern

      # Calculate total number of segments
      total_segments=$(($((60 * 60) / segment_duration)))

      # Split the video into segments
      for i in $(seq 0 $((total_segments - 1))); do
      start_time=$((i * segment_duration))
      output_file=$(printf "$output_file_pattern" $i)
      ffmpeg -i "$input_file" -ss $start_time -t $segment_duration -c copy "$output_file"

  1. 強的怕狠的 狠的怕無天良的 無天良的怕神經不正常
    強怕狠 狠怕沒天良 沒天良的怕神經不正常

  2. 假設有一影片檔案名稱為 videoplayback.mp4 該影片長度預設為60分鐘
    我想要透過FFMPEG 將當以每2分鐘 且檔案主檔名長度為4

    import subprocess

    # Set input video file name
    input_file = "videoplayback.mp4"

    # Set segment duration in seconds
    segment_duration = 120

    # Set output file name pattern
    output_file_pattern = "part%04d.mp4"

    # Calculate total number of segments
    total_segments = int(60 * 60 / segment_duration)

    # Split the video into segments
    for i in range(total_segments):
    start_time = i * segment_duration
    output_file = output_file_pattern % (i + 1)
    command = ["ffmpeg", "-i", input_file, "-ss", f"{start_time}", "-t", f"{segment_duration}", "-c", "copy", output_file]

  3. 假設有一影片檔案名稱為 videoplayback.mp4 該影片長度預設為60分鐘
    我想要透過FFMPEG 將當以每2分鐘 且檔案主檔名長度為4


    // Set input video file name
    $inputFile = 'videoplayback.mp4';

    // Set segment duration in seconds
    $segmentDuration = 120;

    // Set output file name pattern
    $outputFilePattern = 'part%04d.mp4';

    // Calculate total number of segments
    $totalSegments = intdiv(60 * 60, $segmentDuration);

    // Split the video into segments
    for ($i = 0; $i


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