


資料來源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HES6eqNLj9896NEdwKcfzA


List of Books

Looking for a good read? Explore the books listed below and pick up one of these you will enjoy every chapter!

Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS [Read]

Docker – Up & Running [Read]

Docker Containers – Build and Deploy with Kubernetes, Flannel, Cockpit, and Atomic [Read]

Docker Cookbook – Solutions and Examples for Building Distributed Applications [Read]

Docker Management Design Patterns – Swarm Mode on Amazon Web Services [Read]

Docker Tutorial – Anthony Baire [Read]

Docker Tutorial – tutorialspoint.com [Read]

Docker for Data Science [Read]

Docker for Developers [Read]

Docker for Sysadmins [Read]

Docker in Action [Read]

Docker in Practice [Read]

Docker in Production – Lessons from the Trenches [Read]

Essential Docker for ASP.NET Core MVC [Read]

Kubernetes – Microservices with Docker [Read]

Kubernetes Microservices with Docker [Read]

Kubernetes Patterns [Read]

Learning Windows Server Containers [Read]

Orchestrating Docker [Read]

Pro Docker [Read]

The Docker Book – James Turnbull [Read]

Using Docker [Read]

Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools [Read]


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