C/C++ Stack: 以Array與Linked list實作
C/C++ Stack: 以Array與Linked list實作
資料來源: http://alrightchiu.github.io/SecondRound/stack-introjian-jie.html
使用鏈結實作(C 語言動態記憶體宣告)
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node Node; Node* creates(void); // 建立堆疊 int isEmpty(Node*); // 堆疊已空 int stacktop(Node*); // 傳回頂端元素 Node* add(Node*, int); // 新增元素 Node* delete(Node*); // 刪除元素 void list(Node*); // 顯示所有內容 int main(void) { Node* sTop; int input, select; sTop = creates(); while(1) { printf("\n\n請輸入選項(-1結束):"); printf("\n(1)插入值至堆疊"); printf("\n(2)顯示堆疊頂端"); printf("\n(3)刪除頂端值"); printf("\n(4)顯示所有內容"); printf("\n\$c>"); scanf("%d", &select); if(select == -1) break; switch(select) { case 1: printf("\n輸入值:"); scanf("%d", &input); sTop = add(sTop, input); break; case 2: printf("\n頂端值:%d", stacktop(sTop)); break; case 3: sTop = delete(sTop); break; case 4: list(sTop); break; default: printf("\n選項錯誤!"); } } printf("\n"); return 0; } Node* creates() { return NULL; } int isEmpty(Node* top) { return (top == NULL); } int stacktop(Node* top) { return top->data; } Node* add(Node* top, int item) { Node* newnode; newnode = (Node*) malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(newnode == NULL) { printf("\n記憶體配置失敗!"); exit(1); } newnode->data = item; newnode->next = top; top = newnode; return top; } Node* delete(Node* top) { Node* tmpnode; tmpnode = top; if(tmpnode == NULL) { printf("\n堆疊已空!"); return NULL; } top = top->next; free(tmpnode); return top; } void list(Node* top) { getnode* tmpnode; tmpnode = top; printf("\n堆疊內容:"); while(tmpnode != NULL) { printf("%d ", tmpnode->data); tmpnode = tmpnode->next; } }
// C++ code #include <iostream> class StackArray{ private: int top; // index of top element int capacity; // allocated memory space of array int *stack; // array representing stack void DoubleCapacity(); // double the capacity of stack public: StackArray():top(-1),capacity(1){ // constructor stack = new int[capacity]; // initial state: top=-1, capacity=1 } void Push(int x); void Pop(); bool IsEmpty(); int Top(); int getSize(); }; void StackArray::DoubleCapacity(){ capacity *= 2; // double capacity int *newStack = new int[capacity]; // create newStack for (int i = 0 ; i < capacity/2; i++) { // copy element to newStack newStack[i] = stack[i]; } delete [] stack; // release the memory of stack stack = newStack; // redirect stack to newStack } void StackArray::Push(int x){ if (top == capacity - 1) { // if stack is full, double the capacity DoubleCapacity(); } stack[++top] = x; // update top and put x into stack } void StackArray::Pop(){ if (IsEmpty()) { // if stack is empty, there is nothing to pop std::cout << "Stack is empty.\n"; return; } top--; // update top // stack[top] = 0; // (*1) // stack[top].~T(); // (*2) } bool StackArray::IsEmpty(){ // if (top == -1) { // return true; // } // else { // return false; // } return (top == -1); } int StackArray::Top(){ if (IsEmpty()) { // check if stack is empty std::cout << "Stack is empty.\n"; return -1; } return stack[top]; // return the top element } int StackArray::getSize(){ return top+1; // return the number of elements in stack } int main(){ StackArray s; s.Pop(); s.Push(14); s.Push(9); std::cout << "\ntop: " << s.Top() << "\nsize: " << s.getSize() << std::endl; s.Push(7); std::cout << "\ntop: " << s.Top() << "\nsize: " << s.getSize() << std::endl; s.Pop(); s.Pop(); std::cout << "\ntop: " << s.Top() << "\nsize: " << s.getSize() << std::endl; s.Pop(); std::cout << "\ntop: " << s.Top() << "\nsize: " << s.getSize() << std::endl; return 0; }
C++以Linked list實作Stack
// C++ code #include <iostream> class StackList; class StackNode{ private: int data; StackNode *next; public: StackNode():data(0){ next = 0; } StackNode(int x):data(x){ next = 0; } StackNode(int x, StackNode *nextNode):data(x),next(nextNode){}; friend class StackList; }; class StackList{ private: StackNode *top; // remember the address of top element int size; // number of elements in Stack public: StackList():size(0),top(0){}; void Push(int x); void Pop(); bool IsEmpty(); int Top(); int getSize(); }; void StackList::Push(int x){ if (IsEmpty()) { top = new StackNode(x); size++; return; } StackNode *newnode = new StackNode(x); // Push_front() in Linked list newnode->next = top; // StackNode *newnode = new StackNode(x,top); top = newnode; size++; } void StackList::Pop(){ if (IsEmpty()) { std::cout << "Stack is empty.\n"; return; } StackNode *deletenode = top; top = top->next; delete deletenode; deletenode = 0; size--; } bool StackList::IsEmpty(){ return (size == 0); // if size==0, return true } int StackList::Top(){ if (IsEmpty()) { std::cout << "Stack is empty.\n"; return -1; } return top->data; } int StackList::getSize(){ return size; } int main(){ StackList s; s.Pop(); s.Push(32); s.Push(4); std::cout << "\ntop: " << s.Top() << "\nsize: " << s.getSize() << std::endl; s.Push(15); std::cout << "\ntop: " << s.Top() << "\nsize: " << s.getSize() << std::endl; s.Pop(); s.Pop(); std::cout << "\ntop: " << s.Top() << "\nsize: " << s.getSize() << std::endl; s.Pop(); std::cout << "\ntop: " << s.Top() << "\nsize: " << s.getSize() << std::endl; return 0; }
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