



Configure a system to automount a Samba share with /etc/fstab

by Vivek Gite on April 25, 2006 · 31 comments

As explained earlier you can use the mount command to mount a remote windows partition or a windows share under Linux.

/etc/fstab file contains static information about the filesystems. The file fstab contains descriptive information about the various file systems. fstab is only read by programs, and not written; it is the duty of the system administrator to properly create and maintain this file.

To mount a Samba share to be mounted when a Linux system comes up after reboot edit the /etc/fstab file and put entry as follows for your Windows/Samba share:
//ntserver/share /mnt/samba smbfs username=username,password=password 0 0

For example, if you want to mount a share called //ntserver/docs then you need to write following entry in /etc/fstab file://ntserver/docs /mnt/samba smbfs username=docsadm,password=D1Y4x9sw 0 0Where,

* //ntserver/docs: Windows 2003/NT/Samba share name要掛載的位置
* /mnt/samba: Local mount point (you may need to create this directory first)要掛載的目錄
* smbfs: File system type (samba file system) 掛載格式
* username=docsadm,password=D1Y4x9sw: Share username and password帳號密碼

Open file /etc/fstab using vi text editor:# vi /etc/fstabAppend line //ntserver/docs /mnt/samba smbfs username=docsadm,password=D1Y4x9sw 0 0, at the end your file should read as follows:

proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/hdb2 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0
//ntserver/docs /mnt/samba smbfs username=docsadm,password=D1Y4x9sw 0 0

Replace sharename, username and password with your actual parameters.




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