CS_Gas_Log ~ CommandLine模式下測試程式 [C# 與 單晶片(Chip)基本底層模組框架類別設計]
CS_Gas_Log ~ CommandLine模式下測試程式 [C# 與 單晶片(Chip)基本底層模組框架類別設計]
-Int2TwoByte(int value): 整數轉雙位元組
-Function2Command(string strFunName,string strParam,ref int len): 函數功能名稱轉實際指令主體
-ByteArray2HexString(byte[] byteArray,int intLen): 位元組陣列轉16禁制字串(方便顯示比對)
-Connect(string host, int port) / Close(): TCP通訊開關
-SendCommand(byte[] Command, int len): 將指令主體加上外殼並傳送到授控體並接收對應回應
using CS_Gas_Log; using System; using System.Dynamic; public class Program { public static ChipComm ChipCommBuf = new ChipComm(); public static void pause() { Console.Write("\nPress any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); ChipCommBuf.Close(); } public static void Main() { Console.Write("輸入IP:"); string IP = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("輸入埠:"); int Port = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (ChipCommBuf.Connect(IP, Port)) { int len = 0; Console.WriteLine($"{ChipCommBuf.StrResult}"); Console.WriteLine($"傳送命令: {ChipCommBuf.SendCommand(ChipComm.Function2Command("Log", "", ref len), len)}"); Console.WriteLine($"回傳結果: {ChipCommBuf.StrResult}"); Console.WriteLine($"傳送命令: {ChipCommBuf.SendCommand(ChipComm.Function2Command("SetTime", "", ref len), len)}"); Console.WriteLine($"回傳結果: {ChipCommBuf.StrResult}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{ChipCommBuf.StrResult}"); } pause(); } }
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Channels; using System.Threading.Tasks; using static System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.JSType; namespace CS_Gas_Log { public class ChipComm { private TcpClient clientSocket = null; private byte[] MainCommand = new byte[200]; public string StrResult = ""; static private byte[] Int2TwoByte(int value) { byte[] bytResult = new byte[2]; bytResult[0] = (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF); // Get the higher byte bytResult[1] = (byte)(value & 0xFF); // Get the lower byte return bytResult; } static public byte[] Function2Command(string strFunName,string strParam,ref int len) { byte[] bytResult = null; switch(strFunName) { case "Log": bytResult = new byte[2] { 0x08, 0x42 }; break; case "SetTime": bytResult = new byte[10]; bytResult[0] = 0x08; bytResult[1] = 0x01; Array.Copy(Int2TwoByte(DateTime.Now.Year), 0, bytResult, 2, 2); bytResult[4] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Month; bytResult[5] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Day; bytResult[6] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Hour; bytResult[7] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Minute; bytResult[8] = (byte)DateTime.Now.Second; bytResult[9] = (byte)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek; break; } if(bytResult!=null) { len = bytResult.Length; } else { len = 0; } return bytResult; } private string ByteArray2HexString(byte[] byteArray,int intLen) { string strResult = ""; try { for (int i = 0; i < intLen; i++)//show hex { if (i == 0) { strResult += Convert.ToString(byteArray[i], 16).ToUpper().PadLeft(2, '0'); } else { strResult += "," + Convert.ToString(byteArray[i], 16).ToUpper().PadLeft(2, '0'); } } } catch { strResult = ""; } return strResult; } public void Close() { if ((clientSocket != null) && (clientSocket.Connected)) { clientSocket.Close(); clientSocket = null; } } public bool Connect(string host, int port) { bool blnResult = false; Close(); try { clientSocket = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient(); clientSocket.Connect(host, port); if (clientSocket.Connected) { blnResult = true; StrResult = $"設備: {host}:{port} 連線成功"; } else { blnResult = false; StrResult = $"設備: {host}:{port} 連線失敗"; } } catch (Exception ex) { blnResult = false; StrResult = $"程式連線系統錯誤: {ex.ToString()}"; } return blnResult; } public string SendCommand(byte[] Command, int len) { string strResult = ""; BinaryReader br; BinaryWriter bw; if(len == 0) { StrResult = $"指令產生錯誤"; return strResult; } int Len = len + 3;// Array.Clear(MainCommand, 0, MainCommand.Length); MainCommand[0] = 0x05; MainCommand[1] = (byte)((len >> 8) & 0xFF); // Get the higher byte MainCommand[2] = (byte)(len & 0xFF); // Get the lower byte Array.Copy(Command, 0, MainCommand, 3, len); strResult = ByteArray2HexString(MainCommand, Len); try { NetworkStream clientStream = clientSocket.GetStream(); bw = new BinaryWriter(clientStream); bw.Write(MainCommand, 0, Len); bool blnloop = true; byte[] inBuf = new byte[200]; byte[] inStream = new byte[2000]; Thread.Sleep(200); br = new BinaryReader(clientStream); int intLen = br.Read(inBuf, 0, inBuf.Length); Array.Copy(inBuf, 0, inStream, 0, intLen); StrResult = ByteArray2HexString(inStream, intLen); } catch (Exception ex) { StrResult = $"程式傳送命令系統錯誤: {ex.ToString()}"; } return strResult; } } }