微軟命令模式下 壓縮/解壓縮 工具 (Windows x32 cmd(bat) zip/unzip tool)

微軟命令模式下 壓縮/解壓縮 工具 (Windows x32 cmd(bat) zip/unzip tool)

微軟命令模式下 壓縮/解壓縮 工具 (Windows x32 cmd(bat) zip/unzip tool)

資料來源: http://stahlworks.com/dev/index.php?tool=zipunzip#unzipexamp

GITHUB: https://github.com/jash-git/Windows-x32-cmd-zip-unzip-tool



    01.LINUX 命令模式工具 轉 Windows 下載網站

    02.NSIS 可以直接打包方便使用

4 thoughts on “微軟命令模式下 壓縮/解壓縮 工具 (Windows x32 cmd(bat) zip/unzip tool)

  1. 簡單使用方法

    unzip -l mydir.zip
    lists the contents of mydir.zip without extracting it. this way you see if the .zip contains a path for extraction

    unzip -t mydir.zip
    tests the contents of mydir.zip without extracting. makes sense after a copy from/to usb stick, to check if all data is still intact. finally,

    unzip mydir.zip [unzip -o mydir.zip]
    really extracts the zipfile contents.
    ps -o : Force overwrite


    zip -r mydir.zip mydir
    collects all content from mydir into mydir.zip. actually it is sufficient to say:

    zip -r mydir mydir
    which does the same. and with command line completion, you just have to type:

    zip -r my{TAB} my{TAB}
    where {TAB} means pressing the TAB key. this is definitely faster than clicking in a GUI.


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