VS2022(C#) net6 SQL/SQLite 透過 DataTable & DataRow 資料在記憶體內進行二次SQL語法 搜尋(search)/過濾(filter)
VS2022(C#) net6 SQL/SQLite 透過 DataTable & DataRow 資料在記憶體內進行二次SQL語法 搜尋(search)/過濾(filter)
https://sqlitebrowser.org/dl/ [軟體:SQLiteDatabaseBrowserPortable]
GITHUB: https://github.com/jash-git/VS2022-net6-CS_SQLite_test [這不是本次專案,但可以使用該專案來新增對應測試程式碼]
功能: 減少SQL存取次數&將一開始要用的的所有資料全部放在記憶體中(Embedded System 慣用技巧)
測試VS2022 C#的.net6 使用NuGet安裝 System.Data.SQLite.Core(,Dapper(2.0.123)元件 System.Data.SQLite.Core 版本1.0.115.5 作者: SQLite Development Team 專案URL: https://system.data.sqlite.org/ Dapper 版本2.0.123 作者:Sam Saffron,Marc Gravell,Nick Craver 專案URL: https://github.com/DapperLib/Dapper
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SQLite;//SQLiteConnection using Dapper;//DynamicParameters using System.Data;//IDbConnection,DataTable,DataRow using System.Configuration;//ConfigurationManager namespace CS_VPOS { public partial class test_buf : Form { public test_buf() { InitializeComponent(); } public static string ConnectionStringLoad(string id = "Default") { return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[id].ConnectionString; } //--- //C# 通用操作語法 ~ for System.Data.SQLite.Core & Finisar.SQLite 元件 //https://einboch.pixnet.net/blog/post/248187728 public SQLiteConnection OpenConn(string Database)//資料庫連線程式 { string cnstr = string.Format("Data Source=" + Database + ";Version=3;New=False;Compress=True;"); SQLiteConnection icn = new SQLiteConnection(); icn.ConnectionString = cnstr; if (icn.State == ConnectionState.Open) icn.Close(); icn.Open(); return icn; } public void CreateSQLiteDatabase(string Database)//建立資料庫程式 { string cnstr = string.Format("Data Source=" + Database + ";Version=3;New=True;Compress=True;"); SQLiteConnection icn = new SQLiteConnection(); icn.ConnectionString = cnstr; icn.Open(); icn.Close(); } public void CreateSQLiteTable(string Database, string CreateTableString)//建立資料表程式 { SQLiteConnection icn = OpenConn(Database); SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(CreateTableString, icn); SQLiteTransaction mySqlTransaction = icn.BeginTransaction(); try { cmd.Transaction = mySqlTransaction; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); mySqlTransaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { mySqlTransaction.Rollback(); throw (ex); } if (icn.State == ConnectionState.Open) icn.Close(); } public void SQLiteInsertUpdateDelete(string Database, string SqlSelectString)//新增資料程式 { SQLiteConnection icn = OpenConn(Database); SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(SqlSelectString, icn); SQLiteTransaction mySqlTransaction = icn.BeginTransaction(); try { cmd.Transaction = mySqlTransaction; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); mySqlTransaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { mySqlTransaction.Rollback(); throw (ex); } if (icn.State == ConnectionState.Open) icn.Close(); } public DataTable GetDataTable(string Database, string SQLiteString)//讀取資料程式 { DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable(); SQLiteConnection icn = OpenConn(Database); SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(SQLiteString, icn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Clear(); da.Fill(ds); myDataTable = ds.Tables[0]; if (icn.State == ConnectionState.Open) icn.Close(); return myDataTable; } /* //應用 //產生SQLite的資料庫文件,副檔名為.db CreateSQLiteDatabase("data.db"); //建立資料表test string createtablestring = "create table test (speed double, dist double);"; CreateSQLiteTable("data.db", createtablestring); //插入資料到test表中 string insertstring = "insert into test (speed,dist) values ('10','100');insert into test (speed,dist) values ('20','200');"; SQLiteInsertUpdateDelete("data.db", insertstring); //讀取資料 DataTable dt = GetDataTable("data.db", "select * from test"); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; */ //---C# SQLite通用操作語法 ~ for System.Data.SQLite.Core & Finisar.SQLite 元件 private void test_buf_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //--- //C# SQL/SQLite 透過 DataTable & DataRow 資料在記憶體二次SQL語法搜尋 //https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-tw/dotnet/api/system.data.datatable.select?view=net-6.0 SQLiteConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionStringLoad()); cnn.Open(); SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter("select a.sort as product_sort,a.SID as product_sid,a.product_code,a.barcode,a.product_type,a.product_name,a.product_shortname,a.price_mode,a.product_price,a.unit_sid,a.tax_sid,b.category_sid,c.tax_rate,c.tax_type,IFNULL(e.spec_sid,0) as spec_sid,d.spec_name,d.init_product_sid from product_data a JOIN product_category_relation b ON b.product_sid=a.SID LEFT JOIN tax_data c ON c.SID=a.tax_sid LEFT JOIN product_spec_data d ON d.init_product_sid=a.SID AND d.del_flag='N' LEFT JOIN product_spec_relation e ON e.product_sid=a.SID where a.del_flag='N' and a.stop_flag='N' order by a.sort,a.SID ;", cnn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Clear(); da.Fill(ds); DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable(); myDataTable = ds.Tables[0]; //ds.Clear(); cnn.Close(); string expression; expression = "spec_sid >0"; DataRow[] foundRows; foundRows = myDataTable.Select(expression); // Print column 0 of each returned row. for (int i = 0; i < foundRows.Length; i++) { //Console.WriteLine(foundRows[i][0]); } //---C# SQL/SQLite 透過 DataTable & DataRow 資料在記憶體二次SQL語法搜尋 } } }
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C# DataTable.Select DataRow [SQL 二次搜尋]
無 SQL 資料庫 搜尋/尋找 取代方案
C# DataTable中執行DataTable.Select(“條件”)
Select(過濾條件);//根據過濾條件進行過濾,如Select(“columnname1 like ‘%xx%'”);
Select(過濾條件,排序字段);//過濾,並排序,如Select(“columnname1 like ‘%xx%'”,columnname2);
00.支援SQL IN 語法
01.支援SQL LIKE 語法
02.支援SQL關係運算式 >,=,<=,!=,=
03.支援SQL邏輯運算式 AND,OR
//DataTable.Select("條件") 返回 DataTable
DataTable newdt = new DataTable();
newdt = dt.Clone(); // 克隆dt 的結構,包括所有 dt 架構和約束,並無數據;
DataRow[] rows = dt.Select(conditions); // 從dt 中查詢符合條件的記錄;
foreach (DataRow row in rows) // 將查詢的結果添加到dt中;