SQL table to C# class(JAVA class) online tool

SQL table to C# class(JAVA class) online tool

SQL table to C# class(JAVA class) online tool

資料來源: https://codverter.com/blog/articles/tutorials/20190715-create-class-from-database-table.html

        [SQLite] https://codverter.com/src/sqltoclass?prg=1&db=5&sample=1


test SQL

	CREATE TABLE "account_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"account_code"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"account_name"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"type"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"sort"	int,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	int,
		"del_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	int,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "basic_params" (
		"param_key"	varchar(60) NOT NULL,
		"param_value"	text NOT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("param_key")
	CREATE TABLE "class_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"class_name"	varchar(10) NOT NULL,
		"time_start"	char(5),
		"time_end"	char(5),
		"sort"	int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"created_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
	CREATE TABLE "company" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_no"	varchar(25),
		"authorized_store_no"	varchar(20),
		"company_name"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"company_shortname"	varchar(20),
		"EIN"	varchar(20),
		"business_name"	varchar(50),
		"company_owner"	varchar(30),
		"tel"	varchar(25),
		"fax"	varchar(25),
		"zip_code"	varchar(10),
		"country_code"	varchar(5) NOT NULL,
		"province_code"	varchar(10) NOT NULL,
		"city_code"	varchar(10) NOT NULL,
		"district_code"	varchar(10) NOT NULL,
		"address"	varchar(200) NOT NULL,
		"def_order_type"	int DEFAULT T,
		"def_tax_sid"	int,
		"def_unit_sid"	int,
		"vtstore_order_url"	varchar(200),
		"take_service_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"take_service_type"	char(1),
		"take_service_val"	decimal(5, 2),
		"del_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
	CREATE TABLE "company_customized_params" (
		"customized_code"	varchar(30) NOT NULL,
		"customized_name"	varchar(30) NOT NULL,
		"active_state"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"params"	text,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("customized_code")
	CREATE TABLE "company_invoice_params" (
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"platform_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"env_type"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"active_state"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"branch_no"	varchar(30),
		"reg_id"	varchar(64),
		"qrcode_aes_key"	varchar(32),
		"inv_renew_count"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"auth_account"	varchar(50),
		"auth_password"	varchar(50),
		"created_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		PRIMARY KEY("company_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "company_payment_type" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"payment_code"	varchar(20),
		"payment_name"	varchar(30),
		"payment_module_code"	varchar(50),
		"def_paid_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"def_paid_amount"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"no_change_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime,
		"stop_flag"	char(1),
		"stop_time"	datetime,
		"sort"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "condiment_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"condiment_code"	varchar(10),
		"condiment_name"	varchar(30) NOT NULL,
		"condiment_price"	decimal(10, 2) NOT NULL,
		"unit_sid"	int,
		"group_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"sort"	int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"created_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		PRIMARY KEY("SID","company_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "condiment_group" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"group_name"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"required_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"single_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"newline_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"count_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"min_count"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"max_count"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"sort"	int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("SID","company_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "discount_hotkey" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"hotkey_name"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"hotkey_code"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"discount_code"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"val_mode"	char(1) DEFAULT 'F',
		"val"	float,
		"round_calc_type"	char(1) DEFAULT 'S',
		"stop_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime,
		"del_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime,
		"sort"	char(10),
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "formula_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"formula_params"	ntext,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "func_main" (
		"SID"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"func_type"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"parent_func_sid"	varchar(50),
		"func_name"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"content"	varchar(500),
		"sort"	smallint DEFAULT 0,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
	CREATE TABLE "invoice_platform" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"platform_name"	varchar(50),
		"inv_url_1"	varchar(1024),
		"inv_url_2"	varchar(1024),
		"inv_test_url_1"	varchar(1024),
		"inv_test_url_2"	varchar(1024),
		"created_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
	CREATE TABLE "member_platform_params" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"platform_type"	varchar(30),
		"params"	text,
		"sort"	int,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "order_content_data" (
		"order_no"	varchar(30) NOT NULL,
		"item_no"	int NOT NULL,
		"data_type"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'A',
		"item_type"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"item_code"	varchar(64),
		"item_group_code"	varchar(64),
		"item_group_name"	varchar(64),
		"show_detail_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"condiment_group_sid"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"parent_item_no"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"item_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"item_spec_sid"	int,
		"item_name"	varchar(30) NOT NULL,
		"item_cost"	decimal(10, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"item_count"	decimal(10, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"condiment_price"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"item_subtotal"	decimal(10, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"discount_type"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"discount_code"	varchar(60),
		"discount_name"	varchar(60),
		"discount_rate"	decimal(10, 2),
		"discount_fee"	decimal(10, 2),
		"discount_info"	text,
		"stock_remainder_quantity"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"stock_push_price"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"stock_push_quantity"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"stock_push_amount"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"stock_pull_code"	varchar(60),
		"stock_pull_name"	varchar(60),
		"stock_pull_price"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"stock_pull_quantity"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"stock_pul_amount"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"external_id"	varchar(100),
		"external_mode"	varchar(50),
		"external_description"	text,
		"tax_sid"	int,
		"tax_rate"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"tax_type"	char(1),
		"tax_fee"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"item_amount"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"subtotal_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"subtotal_item_no"	int,
		"cust_name"	varchar(50),
		"other_info"	text,
		"print_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"print_count"	int,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"stock_pull_amount"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		PRIMARY KEY("order_no","item_no","data_type")
	CREATE TABLE "order_data" (
		"order_no"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"order_no_from"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"order_time"	datetime NOT NULL,
		"order_type"	int NOT NULL,
		"order_type_name"	varchar(50),
		"order_type_code"	varchar(30),
		"order_open_time"	datetime,
		"order_state"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"order_mode"	char(1) DEFAULT 'L',
		"terminal_sid"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"pos_no"	varchar(20),
		"class_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"class_name"	varchar(20),
		"user_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"employee_no"	varchar(20),
		"table_code"	varchar(10),
		"table_name"	varchar(10),
		"meal_num"	varchar(20),
		"call_num"	varchar(10),
		"member_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"member_platform"	varchar(30),
		"member_no"	varchar(60),
		"member_name"	varchar(30),
		"member_phone"	varchar(20),
		"member_info"	text,
		"takeaways_order_sid"	varchar(64),
		"takeaways_order_info"	text,
		"outside_order_no"	varchar(60),
		"outside_description"	text,
		"delivery_city_name"	varchar(20),
		"delivery_district_name"	varchar(20),
		"delivery_address"	varchar(100),
		"item_count"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"subtotal"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"discount_fee"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"promotion_fee"	decimal(10, 2),
		"promotion_value"	text,
		"coupon_discount"	decimal(10, 2),
		"coupon_value"	text,
		"stock_push_quantity"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"stock_push_amount"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"stock_pull_quantity"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"stock_pull_amount"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"service_rate"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"service_fee"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"trans_reversal"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"over_paid"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"tax_fee"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"amount"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"paid_type_sid"	int,
		"paid_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"paid_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"paid_info"	text,
		"cash_fee"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"change_fee"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"invoice_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"invoice_info"	text,
		"cust_ein"	varchar(8),
		"cancel_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"cancel_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"cancel_class_sid"	int,
		"cancel_class_name"	varchar(20),
		"cash_refund_flag"	char DEFAULT 'N',
		"refund"	decimal(10, 2),
		"refund_type_sid"	int,
		"cancel_upload_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"cancel_upload_time"	datetime,
		"del_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"business_day"	datetime,
		"class_close_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"class_report_no"	varchar(20),
		"daily_close_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"daily_report_no"	varchar(20),
		"order_temp_info"	text,
		"upload_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"upload_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"remarks"	text,
		PRIMARY KEY("order_no")
	CREATE TABLE "order_type_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"price_type_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"type_name"	varchar(10) NOT NULL,
		"order_type_code"	varchar(30),
		"payment_def"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"def_payment_code"	varchar(20),
		"invoice_state"	int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"display_state"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y',
		"sort"	int,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"del_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("SID","price_type_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "packaging_data" (
		"SID"	int(11) NOT NULL,
		"packaging_type_sid"	int(11) NOT NULL,
		"code"	varchar(30),
		"name"	varchar(30),
		"price"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"memo"	varchar(50),
		"sort"	int(11) DEFAULT 0,
		"del_flag"	char(1),
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "packaging_type" (
		"SID"	int(11) NOT NULL,
		"name"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"sort"	int(3) DEFAULT 0,
		"show_flag"	char(1),
		"required_flag"	char(1),
		"del_flag"	char(1),
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "payment_module" (
		"payment_module_code"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"payment_module_name"	varchar(50),
		"def_params"	text,
		"active_state"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("payment_module_code")
	CREATE TABLE "payment_module_params" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"payment_module_code"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"params"	text,
		"del_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime,
		"sort"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "price_type" (
		"price_type_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"price_type_name"	char(10) NOT NULL,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("company_sid","price_type_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "printer_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"printer_code"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"printer_name"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"output_type"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime,
		"del_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "printer_group_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"printer_group_name"	varchar(60) NOT NULL,
		"printer_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"order_type_sid"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime,
		"del_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "printer_group_relation" (
		"printer_group_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"product_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		PRIMARY KEY("printer_group_sid","product_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "product_category" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"category_code"	varchar(50),
		"category_name"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"sort"	int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"created_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		PRIMARY KEY("SID","company_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "product_category_relation" (
		"category_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"product_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		PRIMARY KEY("category_sid","product_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "product_condiment_relation" (
		"product_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"condiment_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		PRIMARY KEY("product_sid","condiment_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "product_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"product_code"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"barcode"	varchar(100),
		"product_name"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"product_shortname"	varchar(40),
		"product_type"	char(10),
		"price_mode"	char(1) DEFAULT 'F',
		"product_price"	decimal(10, 2),
		"unit_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"tax_sid"	int,
		"sort"	int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"memo"	text,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime NOT NULL,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime NOT NULL,
		"price_update_time"	datetime,
		"category_update_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"condiment_update_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"promotion_update_time"	datetime,
		"spec_update_time"	datetime,
		"created_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		PRIMARY KEY("SID","company_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "product_price_type_relation" (
		"product_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"price_type_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"price"	decimal(10, 2) NOT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("product_sid","price_type_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "product_promotion_relation" (
		"product_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"promotion_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		PRIMARY KEY("product_sid","promotion_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "product_set_relation" (
		"set_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"attribute_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"category_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"product_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"main_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"default_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		PRIMARY KEY("set_sid","product_sid","category_sid","attribute_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "product_spec_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"spec_name"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"init_product_sid"	int,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime,
		"created_time"	timestamp NOT NULL,
		"updated_time"	timestamp NOT NULL,
	CREATE TABLE "product_spec_relation" (
		"spec_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"product_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"alias_name"	varchar(50),
		"sort"	int,
		PRIMARY KEY("spec_sid","product_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "product_unit" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"unit_name"	varchar(10) NOT NULL,
		"sort"	int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"created_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		PRIMARY KEY("SID","company_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "promotion_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"promotion_name"	varchar(30) NOT NULL,
		"promotion_start_time"	datetime,
		"promotion_end_time"	datetime,
		"promotion_sort"	int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"coexist_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"promotion_type"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"promotion_data"	text NOT NULL,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("SID","company_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "promotion_order_type_relation" (
		"promotion_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"order_type_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		PRIMARY KEY("promotion_sid","order_type_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "role_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"role_name"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"created_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
	CREATE TABLE "role_func" (
		"role_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"func_sid"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		PRIMARY KEY("role_sid","func_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "serial_code_data" (
		"serial_type"	varchar(30) NOT NULL,
		"serial_name"	varchar(30),
		"code_first_char"	varchar(20),
		"code_split_char"	chae(1),
		"code_num_len"	int NOT NULL DEFAULT 5,
		"code_str"	varchar(20),
		"code_num"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"serial_owner"	varchar(32),
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("serial_type")
	CREATE TABLE "set_attribute_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"set_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"attribute_name"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"main_price_type"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"main_price"	decimal(10, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"main_max_price"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"sub_price_type"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"sub_price"	decimal(10, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"sub_max_price"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"required_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"limit_count"	int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"repeat_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL,
		"sort"	int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		"created_time"	timestamp NOT NULL,
		"updated_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		PRIMARY KEY("SID","set_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "store_table_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"table_code"	varchar(20),
		"table_name"	varchar(30),
		"table_capacity"	int(2),
		"table_sort"	int,
		"stop_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"stop_time"	datetime,
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "takeaways_params" (
		"platform_sid"	varchar(15) NOT NULL,
		"active_state"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"params"	text,
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
		PRIMARY KEY("platform_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "takeaways_platform" (
		"SID"	varchar(15) NOT NULL,
		"platform_name"	varchar(20),
		"created_time"	timestamp,
		"updated_time"	timestamp,
	CREATE TABLE "tax_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"tax_name"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"tax_rate"	decimal(5, 2),
		"tax_type"	char(1),
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"created_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		PRIMARY KEY("SID","company_sid")
	CREATE TABLE "terminal_data" (
		"SID"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"terminal_name"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"pos_no"	varchar(20),
		"pid"	varchar(20),
		"rid"	varchar(50),
		"app_version"	varchar(20),
		"reg_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"reg_submit_time"	datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"reg_accept_time"	datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"api_token_id"	varchar(64),
		"client_id"	varchar(64),
		"client_secret"	varchar(64),
		"now_class_sid"	int DEFAULT 0,
		"petty_cash"	decimal(10, 2) DEFAULT 0,
		"business_day"	datetime,
		"business_close_time"	datetime,
		"invoice_flag"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"invoice_batch_num"	INT DEFAULT 0,
		"invoice_active_state"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"last_order_no"	varchar(20),
		"use_call_num"	integer DEFAULT 0,
		"use_call_date"	char(8),
		"online_time"	datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"keyhook_enable"	char(1) DEFAULT 'N',
		"last_check_update_time"	datetime DEFAULT NULL,
		"last_class_report_no"	varchar(30),
		"last_daily_report_no"	varchar(30),
		"use_call_num_date"	char(8),
	CREATE TABLE "user_data" (
		"SID"	int NOT NULL,
		"company_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"role_sid"	int NOT NULL,
		"user_account"	varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		"user_pwd"	varchar(64) NOT NULL,
		"user_name"	varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		"employee_no"	varchar(10),
		"job_title"	varchar(20),
		"tel"	varchar(25),
		"cellphone"	varchar(15),
		"state_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"state_time"	datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"del_flag"	char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
		"del_time"	datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
		"created_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
		"updated_time"	timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,

C# Class

public class account_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string account_code {get;set;}
	public string account_name {get;set;}
	public string type {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public int stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public int del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}
public class basic_params
	public string param_key {get;set;}
	public string param_value {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}
public class class_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string class_name {get;set;}
	public string time_start {get;set;}
	public string time_end {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class company
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string company_no {get;set;}
	public string authorized_store_no {get;set;}
	public string company_name {get;set;}
	public string company_shortname {get;set;}
	public string EIN {get;set;}
	public string business_name {get;set;}
	public string company_owner {get;set;}
	public string tel {get;set;}
	public string fax {get;set;}
	public string zip_code {get;set;}
	public string country_code {get;set;}
	public string province_code {get;set;}
	public string city_code {get;set;}
	public string district_code {get;set;}
	public string address {get;set;}
	public int def_order_type {get;set;}
	public int def_tax_sid {get;set;}
	public int def_unit_sid {get;set;}
	public string vtstore_order_url {get;set;}
	public string take_service_flag {get;set;}
	public string take_service_type {get;set;}
	public decimal take_service_val {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class company_customized_params
	public string customized_code {get;set;}
	public string customized_name {get;set;}
	public string active_state {get;set;}
	public string params {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class company_invoice_params
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public int platform_sid {get;set;}
	public string env_type {get;set;}
	public string active_state {get;set;}
	public string branch_no {get;set;}
	public string reg_id {get;set;}
	public string qrcode_aes_key {get;set;}
	public int inv_renew_count {get;set;}
	public string auth_account {get;set;}
	public string auth_password {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class company_payment_type
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string payment_code {get;set;}
	public string payment_name {get;set;}
	public string payment_module_code {get;set;}
	public string def_paid_flag {get;set;}
	public decimal def_paid_amount {get;set;}
	public string no_change_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public DateTime del_time {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public DateTime stop_time {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class condiment_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public string condiment_code {get;set;}
	public string condiment_name {get;set;}
	public decimal condiment_price {get;set;}
	public int unit_sid {get;set;}
	public int group_sid {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class condiment_group
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public string group_name {get;set;}
	public string required_flag {get;set;}
	public string single_flag {get;set;}
	public string newline_flag {get;set;}
	public string count_flag {get;set;}
	public int min_count {get;set;}
	public int max_count {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}
public class discount_hotkey
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string hotkey_name {get;set;}
	public string hotkey_code {get;set;}
	public string discount_code {get;set;}
	public string val_mode {get;set;}
	public float val {get;set;}
	public string round_calc_type {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string sort {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class formula_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string formula_params {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class func_main
	public string SID {get;set;}
	public string func_type {get;set;}
	public string parent_func_sid {get;set;}
	public string func_name {get;set;}
	public string content {get;set;}
	public Int16 sort {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class invoice_platform
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string platform_name {get;set;}
	public string inv_url_1 {get;set;}
	public string inv_url_2 {get;set;}
	public string inv_test_url_1 {get;set;}
	public string inv_test_url_2 {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class member_platform_params
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string platform_type {get;set;}
	public string params {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class order_content_data
	public string order_no {get;set;}
	public int item_no {get;set;}
	public string data_type {get;set;}
	public string item_type {get;set;}
	public string item_code {get;set;}
	public string item_group_code {get;set;}
	public string item_group_name {get;set;}
	public string show_detail_flag {get;set;}
	public int condiment_group_sid {get;set;}
	public int parent_item_no {get;set;}
	public int item_sid {get;set;}
	public int item_spec_sid {get;set;}
	public string item_name {get;set;}
	public decimal item_cost {get;set;}
	public decimal item_count {get;set;}
	public decimal condiment_price {get;set;}
	public decimal item_subtotal {get;set;}
	public string discount_type {get;set;}
	public string discount_code {get;set;}
	public string discount_name {get;set;}
	public decimal discount_rate {get;set;}
	public decimal discount_fee {get;set;}
	public string discount_info {get;set;}
	public int stock_remainder_quantity {get;set;}
	public decimal stock_push_price {get;set;}
	public int stock_push_quantity {get;set;}
	public decimal stock_push_amount {get;set;}
	public string stock_pull_code {get;set;}
	public string stock_pull_name {get;set;}
	public decimal stock_pull_price {get;set;}
	public int stock_pull_quantity {get;set;}
	public decimal stock_pul_amount {get;set;}
	public string external_id {get;set;}
	public string external_mode {get;set;}
	public string external_description {get;set;}
	public int tax_sid {get;set;}
	public decimal tax_rate {get;set;}
	public string tax_type {get;set;}
	public decimal tax_fee {get;set;}
	public decimal item_amount {get;set;}
	public string subtotal_flag {get;set;}
	public int subtotal_item_no {get;set;}
	public string cust_name {get;set;}
	public string other_info {get;set;}
	public string print_flag {get;set;}
	public int print_count {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public decimal stock_pull_amount {get;set;}
public class order_data
	public string order_no {get;set;}
	public string order_no_from {get;set;}
	public string order_time {get;set;}
	public int order_type {get;set;}
	public string order_type_name {get;set;}
	public string order_type_code {get;set;}
	public string order_open_time {get;set;}
	public int order_state {get;set;}
	public string order_mode {get;set;}
	public string terminal_sid {get;set;}
	public string pos_no {get;set;}
	public int class_sid {get;set;}
	public string class_name {get;set;}
	public int user_sid {get;set;}
	public string employee_no {get;set;}
	public string table_code {get;set;}
	public string table_name {get;set;}
	public string meal_num {get;set;}
	public string call_num {get;set;}
	public string member_flag {get;set;}
	public string member_platform {get;set;}
	public string member_no {get;set;}
	public string member_name {get;set;}
	public string member_phone {get;set;}
	public string member_info {get;set;}
	public string takeaways_order_sid {get;set;}
	public string takeaways_order_info {get;set;}
	public string outside_order_no {get;set;}
	public string outside_description {get;set;}
	public string delivery_city_name {get;set;}
	public string delivery_district_name {get;set;}
	public string delivery_address {get;set;}
	public decimal item_count {get;set;}
	public decimal subtotal {get;set;}
	public decimal discount_fee {get;set;}
	public decimal promotion_fee {get;set;}
	public string promotion_value {get;set;}
	public decimal coupon_discount {get;set;}
	public string coupon_value {get;set;}
	public int stock_push_quantity {get;set;}
	public decimal stock_push_amount {get;set;}
	public int stock_pull_quantity {get;set;}
	public decimal stock_pull_amount {get;set;}
	public decimal service_rate {get;set;}
	public decimal service_fee {get;set;}
	public decimal trans_reversal {get;set;}
	public decimal over_paid {get;set;}
	public decimal tax_fee {get;set;}
	public decimal amount {get;set;}
	public int paid_type_sid {get;set;}
	public string paid_flag {get;set;}
	public string paid_time {get;set;}
	public string paid_info {get;set;}
	public decimal cash_fee {get;set;}
	public decimal change_fee {get;set;}
	public string invoice_flag {get;set;}
	public string invoice_info {get;set;}
	public string cust_ein {get;set;}
	public string cancel_flag {get;set;}
	public string cancel_time {get;set;}
	public int cancel_class_sid {get;set;}
	public string cancel_class_name {get;set;}
	public string cash_refund_flag {get;set;}
	public decimal refund {get;set;}
	public int refund_type_sid {get;set;}
	public string cancel_upload_flag {get;set;}
	public string cancel_upload_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string business_day {get;set;}
	public string class_close_flag {get;set;}
	public string class_report_no {get;set;}
	public string daily_close_flag {get;set;}
	public string daily_report_no {get;set;}
	public string order_temp_info {get;set;}
	public string upload_flag {get;set;}
	public string upload_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
	public string remarks {get;set;}
public class order_type_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int price_type_sid {get;set;}
	public string type_name {get;set;}
	public string order_type_code {get;set;}
	public int payment_def {get;set;}
	public string def_payment_code {get;set;}
	public int invoice_state {get;set;}
	public string display_state {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class packaging_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int packaging_type_sid {get;set;}
	public string code {get;set;}
	public string name {get;set;}
	public decimal price {get;set;}
	public string memo {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class packaging_type
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string name {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string show_flag {get;set;}
	public string required_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class payment_module
	public string payment_module_code {get;set;}
	public string payment_module_name {get;set;}
	public string def_params {get;set;}
	public string active_state {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class payment_module_params
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string payment_module_code {get;set;}
	public string params {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public DateTime del_time {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public DateTime stop_time {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class price_type
	public int price_type_sid {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public string price_type_name {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class printer_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string printer_code {get;set;}
	public string printer_name {get;set;}
	public string output_type {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class printer_group_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string printer_group_name {get;set;}
	public int printer_sid {get;set;}
	public int order_type_sid {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class printer_group_relation
	public int printer_group_sid {get;set;}
	public int product_sid {get;set;}
public class product_category
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public string category_code {get;set;}
	public string category_name {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class product_category_relation
	public int category_sid {get;set;}
	public int product_sid {get;set;}
public class product_condiment_relation
	public int product_sid {get;set;}
	public int condiment_sid {get;set;}
public class product_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public string product_code {get;set;}
	public string barcode {get;set;}
	public string product_name {get;set;}
	public string product_shortname {get;set;}
	public string product_type {get;set;}
	public string price_mode {get;set;}
	public decimal product_price {get;set;}
	public int unit_sid {get;set;}
	public int tax_sid {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string memo {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string price_update_time {get;set;}
	public string category_update_time {get;set;}
	public string condiment_update_time {get;set;}
	public string promotion_update_time {get;set;}
	public string spec_update_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class product_price_type_relation
	public int product_sid {get;set;}
	public int price_type_sid {get;set;}
	public decimal price {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class product_promotion_relation
	public int product_sid {get;set;}
	public int promotion_sid {get;set;}
public class product_set_relation
	public int set_sid {get;set;}
	public int attribute_sid {get;set;}
	public int category_sid {get;set;}
	public int product_sid {get;set;}
	public string main_flag {get;set;}
	public string default_flag {get;set;}
public class product_spec_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string spec_name {get;set;}
	public int init_product_sid {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class product_spec_relation
	public int spec_sid {get;set;}
	public int product_sid {get;set;}
	public string alias_name {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
public class product_unit
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public string unit_name {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class promotion_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public string promotion_name {get;set;}
	public string promotion_start_time {get;set;}
	public string promotion_end_time {get;set;}
	public int promotion_sort {get;set;}
	public string coexist_flag {get;set;}
	public string promotion_type {get;set;}
	public string promotion_data {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class promotion_order_type_relation
	public int promotion_sid {get;set;}
	public int order_type_sid {get;set;}
public class role_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string role_name {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class role_func
	public int role_sid {get;set;}
	public string func_sid {get;set;}
public class serial_code_data
	public string serial_type {get;set;}
	public string serial_name {get;set;}
	public string code_first_char {get;set;}
	public string code_split_char {get;set;}
	public int code_num_len {get;set;}
	public string code_str {get;set;}
	public int code_num {get;set;}
	public string serial_owner {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class set_attribute_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int set_sid {get;set;}
	public string attribute_name {get;set;}
	public string main_price_type {get;set;}
	public decimal main_price {get;set;}
	public decimal main_max_price {get;set;}
	public string sub_price_type {get;set;}
	public decimal sub_price {get;set;}
	public decimal sub_max_price {get;set;}
	public string required_flag {get;set;}
	public int limit_count {get;set;}
	public string repeat_flag {get;set;}
	public int sort {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class store_table_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public string table_code {get;set;}
	public string table_name {get;set;}
	public int table_capacity {get;set;}
	public int table_sort {get;set;}
	public string stop_flag {get;set;}
	public string stop_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class takeaways_params
	public string platform_sid {get;set;}
	public string active_state {get;set;}
	public string params {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		
public class takeaways_platform
	public string SID {get;set;}
	public string platform_name {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class tax_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public string tax_name {get;set;}
	public decimal tax_rate {get;set;}
	public string tax_type {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}	
public class terminal_data
	public string SID {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public string terminal_name {get;set;}
	public string pos_no {get;set;}
	public string pid {get;set;}
	public string rid {get;set;}
	public string app_version {get;set;}
	public string reg_flag {get;set;}
	public string reg_submit_time {get;set;}
	public string reg_accept_time {get;set;}
	public string api_token_id {get;set;}
	public string client_id {get;set;}
	public string client_secret {get;set;}
	public int now_class_sid {get;set;}
	public decimal petty_cash {get;set;}
	public string business_day {get;set;}
	public string business_close_time {get;set;}
	public string invoice_flag {get;set;}
	public int invoice_batch_num {get;set;}
	public string invoice_active_state {get;set;}
	public string last_order_no {get;set;}
	public long use_call_num {get;set;}
	public string use_call_date {get;set;}
	public string online_time {get;set;}
	public string keyhook_enable {get;set;}
	public string last_check_update_time {get;set;}
	public string last_class_report_no {get;set;}
	public string last_daily_report_no {get;set;}
	public string use_call_num_date {get;set;}
public class user_data
	public int SID {get;set;}
	public int company_sid {get;set;}
	public int role_sid {get;set;}
	public string user_account {get;set;}
	public string user_pwd {get;set;}
	public string user_name {get;set;}
	public string employee_no {get;set;}
	public string job_title {get;set;}
	public string tel {get;set;}
	public string cellphone {get;set;}
	public string state_flag {get;set;}
	public string state_time {get;set;}
	public string del_flag {get;set;}
	public string del_time {get;set;}
	public string created_time {get;set;}
	public string updated_time {get;set;}		


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