純C/C++ UTC 轉 Seconds(Milliseconds)

純C/C++ UTC 轉 Seconds(Milliseconds)

純C/C++ UTC 轉 Seconds(Milliseconds) 

GITHUB: https://github.com/jash-git/CPP_CS_UTC2UTC2Seconds_project

線上編譯器: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_c_online.php


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <time.h>

#define BST (+1)//倫敦
#define CCT (+8)//台灣

using namespace std;

void Pause()
    printf("Press Enter key to continue...");
int main()
    time_t rawtime;
    #ifndef _TIME_T_DEFINED
    typedef long time_t; //時間值
    #define _TIME_T_DEFINED

    struct tm *tm_time;
	int tm_sec;  //秒,正常範圍0-59, 但允許至61
	int tm_min;  //分鐘,0-59
	int tm_hour; //小時, 0-23
	int tm_mday; //日,即一個月中的第幾天,1-31
	int tm_mon;  //月, 從一月算起,0-11 1+p->tm_mon;
	int tm_year; //年, 從1900至今已經多少年 1900+ p->tm_year;
	int tm_wday; //星期,一週中的第幾天, 從星期日算起,0-6
	int tm_yday; //從今年1月1日到目前的天數,範圍0-365
	int tm_isdst;//日光節約時間的旗標

    int64_t lngNowTimeSeconds,lngNowTimeMilliseconds;
    char chrDateTimeBuf[80];
    rawtime = time(NULL);
    tm_time = gmtime(&rawtime);
    lngNowTimeSeconds= mktime(tm_time);//Seconds
    lngNowTimeMilliseconds = (lngNowTimeSeconds * 1000) + (clock()%1000);//Milliseconds
    sprintf(chrDateTimeBuf,"%d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",1900+tm_time->tm_year,tm_time->tm_mon+1,tm_time->tm_mday,(tm_time->tm_hour+CCT), tm_time->tm_min,tm_time->tm_sec);

    printf("%s --> Unix Seconds_00: %lld\n", chrDateTimeBuf, rawtime);//Equal to C#
    printf("%s --> Unix Milliseconds_00: %lld\n", chrDateTimeBuf, (rawtime*1000)+((clock()%1000)));//Equal to C#
    printf("%s --> Unix Seconds_01: %lld\n", chrDateTimeBuf, lngNowTimeSeconds);//Equal to C#+200
    printf("%s --> Unix Milliseconds_01: %lld\n", chrDateTimeBuf, lngNowTimeMilliseconds);
    return 0;

2021/01/20 16:27:55 --> Unix Seconds_00: 1611131275
2021/01/20 16:27:55 --> Unix Milliseconds_00: 1611131275020

2021/01/20 16:27:55 --> Unix Seconds_01: 1611102475
2021/01/20 16:27:55 --> Unix Milliseconds_01: 1611102475002
Press Enter key to continue...


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