SQLite使用索引(index) [ SQLite Indexed By ] 的搜尋語法 (GOOGLE 查: sqlite select with index )

SQLite使用索引(index) [ SQLite Indexed By ] 的搜尋語法 (GOOGLE 查: sqlite select with index )

SQLite使用索引(index) [ SQLite Indexed By ] 的搜尋語法 (GOOGLE 查: sqlite select with index )


01. 假設有表COMPANY,我們將創建一個索引,並用它進行INDEXED BY 操作
    CREATE INDEX salary_index ON COMPANY(salary);

02. 現在使用INDEXED BY 子句從表COMPANY 中選擇數據,如下所示
    SELECT * FROM COMPANY INDEXED BY salary_index WHERE salary > 5000;






One thought on “SQLite使用索引(index) [ SQLite Indexed By ] 的搜尋語法 (GOOGLE 查: sqlite select with index )

  1. MySQL select with index-SELECT round FROM arena_match_index use index (dg)
    MSSQL select with index-SELECT * FROM TransactionHistoryArchive with(index(idx2))


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