NSIS 檔案判斷存在與否/判斷檔案是否存在(IfFileExists Changes Section Flags)
NSIS 檔案判斷存在與否/判斷檔案是否存在(IfFileExists Changes Section Flags)
!include Sections.nsh Name TestSelectSection OutFile "TestSelectSection.exe" Page components Page instfiles ShowInstDetails show ; This file will exist on most computers Section /o "autoexec.bat detected" autoexec_detected MessageBox MB_OK autoexec SectionEnd Section /o "Boot.ini detected" boot_detected MessageBox MB_OK boot SectionEnd Section /o "non-existing file detected" missing_detected MessageBox MB_OK missing SectionEnd Function .onInit IfFileExists C:\autoexec.bat AutoexecExists PastAutoexecCheck AutoexecExists: ; This is what is done by sections.nsh SelectSection macro SectionGetFlags "${autoexec_detected}" $0 IntOp $0 $0 | ${SF_SELECTED} SectionSetFlags "${autoexec_detected}" $0 PastAutoexecCheck: IfFileExists C:\boot.ini BootExists PastBootCheck BootExists: ; Use the macro from sections.nsh !insertmacro SelectSection ${boot_detected} PastBootCheck: IfFileExists C:\xyz_missing.xyz MissingExists PastMissingCheck MissingExists: !insertmacro SelectSection ${missing_detected} PastMissingCheck: FunctionEnd
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\file.txt" file_found file_not_found file_found: StrCpy $0 "the file was found" goto end_of_test ;<== important for not continuing on the else branch file_not_found: StrCpy $0 "the file was NOT found" end_of_test: