C# 取得單一螢幕或多螢幕的解析度 get resolution of a display device or multiple display devices (GOOGLE: C# 取的螢幕數量)

C# 取得單一螢幕或多螢幕的解析度 get resolution of a display device or multiple display devices (GOOGLE: C# 取的螢幕數量)

C# 取得單一螢幕或多螢幕的解析度 get resolution of a display device or multiple display devices (GOOGLE: C# 取的螢幕數量)

資料來源: https://ccw1986.blogspot.com/2014/01/c-get-resolution-of-display-device-or.html


foreach (var screen in System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens)
	Console.WriteLine("Device Name: " + screen.DeviceName);//裝置名稱
	Console.WriteLine("Bounds: " + screen.Bounds.ToString());//螢幕解析度
	Console.WriteLine("Working Area: " + screen.WorkingArea.ToString());//實際工作區域


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